“Translating Imaging Physics to the Bedside”



Abstract submission deadline is July 8th 2022 (23:59pm, BST). Abstracts should be submitted as an email attachment to:
We will aim to inform applicants of their outcomes by the end of July.


Abstracts should be submitted in a format following the guidelines described below.

100-word synopsis summarisig the problem, methods, results, and conclusions of your work, should be included in your submission and it will be included in the online program. The synopsis must include text only, without equations or images, references or citations to items described in the full abstract.

Summary of Main Findings
A 250-character summary of the abstract’s main findings is requested for generation of digital poster previews. This content will overlap with the 100-word synopsis. As with the synopsis, summary must include text only, without equations or images, references or citations to items described in the full abstract.
Suggested Abstract Format
We recommend including the following sections, although we also note that there are often good reasons to deviate from this format.

INTRODUCTION: “Why was this study/research performed? What unsolved problem are you addressing?”
METHODS: “How did you study this problem?”
RESULTS: “Report the data, analyses and/or outcomes”
DISCUSSION: “How do you interpret the results?”
CONCLUSION: “What is the relevance to clinical practice or future research?”
REFERENCES: References should use the suggested style below.

Word Limits
The title should not be longer than 125 characters, synopsis should be no more than 100 words, body of the abstract should be no more than 850 words (references not included), and summary of main findings should be less than 250 Characters (~35 words).

Please include up to 5 figures with maximum of 500 characters per caption.

Cite each source in numerical order using superscript Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…).
At the end of the abstract, list references numerically in the order in which they were cited in the text. Please keep the citations style consistent in your abstract.
Example: Several authors have suggested correction schemes for low SNR images1-2,14
1. Gudbjartsson H, Patz S. The Rician distribution of noisy MRI data. Magn Reson Med 1995; 34: 910–914.
2. Dietrich O, Heiland S, Sartor K. Noise correction for the exact determination of apparent diffusion coefficients at low SNR. Magn Reson Med 2001; 45: 448–453.
14. Miller AJ, Joseph PM. The use of power images to perform quantitative analysis on low SNR MR images. Magn Reson Imaging 1993; 11: 1051–1056.

Please feel free to use the abstract template available to download from this page. It is not strictly required to use it. Abstract template BICISMRM

Digital Poster “Teaser” Previews: More information will come out soon.

Please get in touch with us at if you have any other questions.